Wednesday, January 23, 2019

America is Under Attack by a Foreign Invasion from Within!!! 01/23/2019

America was founded by people from a few countries with different nationalities, but with a strong desire to develop a society that was free of monarchy leadership and rulings. Our American founders dreamed of building a free and open society, which means free from a society that demands who you are, what jobs you can only apply to, also an open society, which means you can live where you would like, and you are open to believe in the religion of your choice without fear of attacks or condemnation. Our founders believed that free choice and free will was a gift given to us by God, which our founders were of Christian backgrounds and did not believe in depression of the peoples will.  

Our American society was founded on Christian principles and values; believing in separation of religion and state but is founded on laws that strive to be just and fair, with justice being blind, which means fairness without racism, political or religious views that would persuade an outcome.   

American business industries were founded on a capitalist free enterprise, which is to be an open and free society to start your own business, but with laws to keep businesses and individuals from doing wrong, or harm against another and our environment.  

The Foreign Invasion from Within
We our currently under an invasion of dark leftist foreign idealism that has invaded American’s education institutions, state and federal government in various institutions of power. The dark idealism has blinded nearly 30% of Americans as loyal followers to push their dark idealism on other American citizens, the dark idealism they swear to cram down other American’s throat is socialism, not a kind and gentle socialist society, but a fascist society that doesn’t believe in freedom or free will, they only believe in ruler ship through depression,  false hope and immorality. Why are so many Americans blind to what is happening to them? This is the fundamental change Obama was talking about.... 

One political party has been fully infiltrated and taken over by the dark fascist socialist, which leads their loyal followers by demanding blind loyalty (note: this is counting legal and illegal residence).  This political party now demands open boarders so fail to see the need for boarder barriers or security. What people fail to understand is with open boarders, this opens the door for anyone to move to America without questions and with automatic citizenship, if the individual swears their allegiance to the Democratic Socialist party, currently masquerading as the Democratic party.  

The invasion of America by this dark leftist foreign idealism is un-American and goes against the American foundations and idealism that upholds fairness, without racism, political or religious depression, and promote a free and open society.  Socialism is a foreign entity that has anti-American values and laws.

A short summary on the history of Socialism, this was war against two classes of people, wage-earners (especially industrial workers) known as labor-power, and the middle or upper stratum of the middle class. Socialist was an effort to procure economic social rights, political rights or equality, often for a specifically disenfranchised group, or more generally, in discussion of such matters. Now you know why middle class is shrinking at a steady rate in America. 
This has been done in Europe and America is the only holdout that supports a free and open society, which supports the progression of an individual’s career and life that allows for many classes of wage-earners to find their happiness. 

America is an open society that doesn’t believe in depression of a class of people, and race or religion, and believes in the freedom to pursue life and liberty with the right to choose their own direction, but without infringing on other people’s rights for happiness. 
Note: There are some people in our American society that have no problems with the depression of others, which these individuals need to be removed from any form of leadership …
The Displacement of American Workers by Leftist Idealism!!!!!

Like Europe, the dark leftist Americanized Socialist Democrat Party (ASDP) is attempting to flood America with labor workers that are pro-socialism, which there are now only a few industrial labor jobs in America because most American companies exported these jobs to China and other cheap labor countries.

So, now what?

America will have a large population of labor workers with no work … so, then the ASDP will have a large population sucking benefits out of America to train them into jobs, so they can compete with American middle class jobs, many of these jobs are already going to H1B workers in the high-tech industry, which the Information Technology jobs have nearly been taken over by H1B workers (mainly from India and China), because the corrupt businesses, which are supporters of the ASDP, are allowed to work the H1B  workers long days, (15 hour + days, and only paid 8 hour days), plus they normally make 1/3 the wages of an American worker.  
So, in the high-tech industry, there are corrupt businesses, like Facebook, Twitter, Apple and others that take advantage of cheap workers in America while pushing American workers out of the high-tech industries. This displacement of American workers will not stop at high-tech industry, but all American industries will be affected, which means all Americans, no matter if you support the leftist ASDP or not .. this is the socialist ideal plan, with the leftist ASDP corrupting and destroying of America and its foundation. Socialism is like a cancer to societies, it eats away at the host until the host collapses under coercion. 

In 2017, real American Patriots that believe in the American values, the constitution and the Bill of Rights, stood up against the Dark Socialist Democrats and defeated them ….  

In 2020, the question is, will the American anti-bodies, (known as real American Patriots), stand up again, but this time remove all these cancerous demons from office? Also, the leftist\anti-American leadership in educational institutions, and other forms of leadership within America need to be removed from power!!! Some of the demons have infiltrated the Republican Party, like Mr. Romney, Mr. Flake and others, which Flake is gone, hopefully we make sure he stays out of any government office and never returns!!!

This will be a Epic Historic battle with good vs. evil, but I would hope that the American Patriots stand up and through the dark leftist demons back into hell where they need to stay!!

The Analyst MAGA

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Rights against social media discrimination

New legislation law that could be used to protect against social media discrimination, contact your Congress & Senate Reps to get this to be made into law!!!

See the source image
 H.R.3520 - Customer Non-Discrimination Act115th Congress (2017-2018)

“(c) Scope of an establishment. —A reference in this title to an establishment—

“(1) shall be construed to include an individual whose operations affect commerce and who is a provider of a good, service, or program; and

“(2) shall not be construed to be limited to a physical facility or place.

To prohibit discrimination in public accommodations based on sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and for other purposes.

See "SEC. 208. Definitions and rules".

“(B) a perception or belief, even if inaccurate, concerning the race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin, respectively, of the individual.

(4) any establishment that provides a good, service, or program, including a store, shopping center, online retailer or service provider, salon, bank, gas station, food bank, service or care center, shelter, travel agency, or funeral parlor, or establishment that provides health care, accounting, or legal services;  

Thursday, December 7, 2017

58 Name list of the swamp slime creatures who voted for Trump impeachment!!

List of swamp slime creatures in government: 

1) Adams: Alma Adams, North Carolina 12, Democratic

2) Barragan: Nanette Barragán, California 44,  Democratic

3) Bass: Karen Bass, California 37, Democratic

4) Beatty: Joyce Beatty, Ohio 3,  Democratic

5) Brady (PA):  Bob Brady, Pennsylvania 1,  Democratic

6) Capuano: Mike Capuano, Massachusetts 7,  Democratic

7) Clark (AM): Katherine Clark, Massachusetts 5, Democratic

8) Clarke (NY): Yvette Clarke, New York 9,  Democratic

9) Clay: William Clay, Missouri 1, Democratic

10) Clyburn: Jim Clyburn, South Carolina 6, Democratic

11) Cohen: Steve Cohen, Tennessee 9, Democratic

12) Davis, Danny: Danny K. Davis, Illinois 7, Democratic

13) DeSaulnier: Mark DeSaulnier, California 11, Democratic

14) Doggett: Lloyd Doggett, Texas 35, Democratic

15) Ellison: Keith Ellison, Minnesota 5, Democratic

16) Engel: Eliot Engel, New York 16, Democratic

17) Espaillat: Adriano Espaillat, New York 13, Democratic

18) Evans: Dwight Evans, Pennsylvania 2, Democratic

19) Frankel (FL): Lois Frankel, Florida 21, Democratic

20) Fudge: Marcia Fudge, Ohio 11, Democratic

21) Gomez: Jimmy Gomez, California 34, Democratic

22) Green, Al:  Al Green, Texas 9, Democratic

23) Grijalva:  Raúl Grijalva, Arizona 3, Democratic

24) Hastings:  Alcee Hastings, Florida 20, Democratic

25) Higgins (NY):  Brian Higgins, New York 26, Democratic

26) Huffman: Jared Huffman, California 2, Democratic

27) Jackson Lee: Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas 18, Democratic

28) Jayapal: Pramila Jayapal, Washington 7, Democratic

29) Kelly (IL): Robin Kelly, Illinois 2, Democratic

30) Lawrence:  Brenda Lawrence, Michigan 14, Democratic

31) Lee:
Not sure which Lee, there are two Democrats:

(31-1): Barbara Lee, California 13, Democratic

(31-2): Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas 18, Democratic

32) Lewis (GA):  John Lewis, Georgia 5, Democratic

33) Lieu, Ted: Ted Lieu, California 33, Democratic

34) McCollum: Betty McCollum, Minnesota 4, Democratic

35) McGovern: Jim McGovern, Massachusetts 2, Democratic

36) McNerney: Jerry McNerney, California 9, Democratic

37) Moore: Gwen Moore, Wisconsin 4, Democratic

38) Moulton: Seth Moulton, Massachusetts 6, Democratic

39) Napolitano: Grace Napolitano, California 32, Democratic

40) Norcross: Donald Norcross, New Jersey 1, Democratic

41) Pallone: Frank Pallone, New Jersey 6, Democratic

42) Pascrell: Bill Pascrell, New Jersey 9, Democratic

43) Pingree: Chellie Pingree, Maine 1, Democratic

44) Polis: Jared Polis, Colorado 2, Democratic

45) Raskin: Jamie Raskin, Maryland 8, Democratic

46) Richmond: Cedric Richmond, Louisiana 2, Democratic

47) Rush: Bobby Rush, Illinois 1, Democratic

48) Schakowsky: Jan Schakowsky, Illinois 9, Democratic

49) Sherman: Brad Sherman, California 30, Democratic

50) Slaughter: Louise Slaughter, New York 25, Democratic

51) Thompson (MS):  Bennie Thompson, Mississippi 2, Democratic

52) Titus: Dina Titus, Nevada 1, Democratic

53) Vargas: Juan Vargas, California 51, Democratic

54) Vela: Filemon Vela Jr., Texas 34, Democratic

55) Walz: Tim Walz, Minnesota 1, Democratic

56) Waters, Maxine: Maxine Waters, California 43, Democratic

57) Watson Coleman:  Bonnie Watson Coleman, New Jersey 12, Democratic

58) Wilson (FL): Frederica Wilson, Florida 24, Democratic

Reference info:

Townhall, name list first found:

Current members of the United States House of Representatives: