Sunday, September 18, 2016

Politicians and legislators, both Democratic and Republican Party, are systematically replacing American workers!

The American economy is sputtering with little growth, and with the doors open to the flood of H1B workers from India and China, plus illegal workers taking American jobs things will continue to get worse … How can this be fixed?  Have you noticed there are more network and application issues at your company? Read on:

I have been working as a Business System Analyst (BSA), as a consultant for more than ten years, but I have found that it is getting harder to get projects. I started looking for a full-time job but even with my strong background and education, I have concluded that I get negative reactions because of my consulting project experience.

We have nothing to lose when voting for Trump, the corrupt Democratic, and the Republican party establishment is selling out America, and foreign contract workers are taking jobs you have gone to college to get. If you have spent money to go to college and build an exceptional portfolio that should give you a great chance in the workforce, which no longer matters to these foreign managers American companies hire.  

The excuse I get is they say that they fear I won’t stay around because they think I prefer consulting. I would prefer a full-time job, so this is not true, but this is what they tell me. I have found that more Indian managers hired full-time, and they seem not to like Americans and mainly hire workers from India, so in my country, I am discriminated against by managers hired from other nations.

Politicians are paid off to look the other way as businesses hire cheap workers in highly skilled professionals jobs like information technology (IT), engineering and business management and other professional business positions. This is wrong and needs to be changed; American workers need to be considered first for employment, and companies need to be audited. In any country, the citizens need to be considered first, but in I am finding that this is no longer the case in America.  

I left a full-time job back in 2005, so I could go back to college and work toward a BSIT degree, so I would have more opportunities while going to college I worked consulting jobs seeing that I was taking night classes, this was an education in itself. By having the opportunity to work on development projects and gain experience working on teams as a business system analyst.

In 2009 I completed my degree and was looking for full-time work, but because of the bad economy I was unable to find a full-time job, so was stuck working from contract to contract and moving around. I lost my home, used up all my retirement and now struggling to find contract jobs. I have been looking for a full-time job and have had great interviews, but I am finding that most companies are hiring India workers primarily and some from China for the BSA positions.

I have been working as a BSA for ten + years, so I have worked around many Indian workers. I found that 75% of these workers are not qualified for the positions, low-end workers, but they get support and training from the other 25% of Indian workers that are senior IT. Why a business does this? The Indian managers will threaten the low-end workers with being deported if they don’t work long hours, you will see these employees work for 14 hours per day, but are only paid 8 hours per day. These managers get around this by making them exempt, not hourly pay.  

You will find these company practices at Intel, Tesla Motors, Nike, most all banks, kaiser permanente, Blue Cross Blue Shield, many other hospital clinics, State and Federal institutions and so many more companies and institutions within America. 

The Federal government wonders why so many documents are leaked? so when you bring in foreign workers from countries, which these countries are corrupt then you are allowing 85% corrupt foreign workers in contact with sensitive information. 

See other articles about American jobs under attack by the politicians and legislators, both Democratic and Republican Party:    

US Companies to Employees: ‘You’re Fired – Now Train Your Much Cheaper Foreign Replacement’

New Scandals Revealed by the New York Times: How the H-1B Visa is used to Ship American Jobs Overseas

Southern California Edison IT workers 'beyond furious' over H-1B replacements

Will U.S. Tech Jobs Turn All-Indian? The H1B Visa Dilemma

The Happiest Place On Earth: Disney Outsources More Jobs To Foreign Workers While Asking Existing Workers To Donate Part Of Their Wages To Support Lobbyists

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