Friday, September 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton Plan B

If Donald Trump Wins US Election, Will Hillary Clinton Nullify Results Because Of Vladimir Putin?

Call it “Plan B”…It’s all being laid out, right at our feet . On Google and Facebook, during US late night shows, through CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post and New York Times.

Article by Tyler Durden, TRUMPNEWS SEPTEMBER 8, 2016

It will be the final death of whatever was left of American democracy.

The test run was accomplished with few casualties during the Democratic primaries, where Hillary Clinton and the DNC assured victory by rigging the entire voting process.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz lost her job as DNC Chair, but found a better job with the Clinton Campaign, and then won her Democratic primary Congressional District in Florida with little difficulty.

Bernie Sanders, who had the election stolen right from under his feet, fell quickly in line with his masters, and pathetically kissed Hillary’s ring in an embarrassing display of beta manhood.

See full article:

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