Wednesday, November 9, 2016

(AmeroExit or AmeroIt), Congratulation Brothers and Sisters that Support and Believe in Freedom and a Free Market!!!

Final Electoral Numbers: Donald Trump 306, Hillary Clinton 232

Americans have broken the yoke of a corrupt and tyrannical leadership and now has a second chance with freedom and a free market. We have a long road to undue what the corrupt leadership has done to our country but we can reverse the damage to America and Americans, let's get our jobs back from jobs sent overseas and H1B workers taking American Information Technology and business positions. Millions of Americans have built their education and experience only to be pushed out of the workforce by the flood of H1B workers and jobs sent overseas ... This is America's AmeroExit or AmeroIt of the corrupt global tyrannical grasp ... 

Drain That Swamp!!! 

Let’s not blow it, this time … America has one more chance at getting it right .. 

Let Freedom Ring, Let Freedom Ring

God bless

WOOOoooooo Freedom is so Sweet ..... I have tears, but these are tears of joy, so everything is OK … 

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