Monday, November 21, 2016

Analysis Report: The Democratic Party is the canary in the coal mine!

With the corrupt poison infiltrated throughout the Democratic Party, they have become the canary in the coal mine, which means this is the death of the real Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is now the Ultra-Left Democratic Party (ULDP) and is become the most corrupt political party that ever existed within America, not only are they extremely corrupt but they are the pro-socialist party that has tyrannical hit squads that vigorously go after their political opponents, which ULDP now has anti-liberal view with zero tolerance for opposing views.

ULDP used Liberalism as a cover, but that cover has been uncovered and now we see with all their zero tolerance views and violent protest, they have shown their true colors. They have no Democratic views, they are not liberal, but they are Ultra-Left Socialist with extreme views and zero tolerance/bigotry toward other political or social views.

The new ULDP is looking to bankrupt the American economy, with their model being China. They are now blacklisting American patriots that voted for Trump or didn’t support Hillary so it is difficult getting a job or even a temporary project. Now, the ULDP is pushing the political limits even further by sending death threats to electors, Americans, this is getting way out of hand, these extreme actions need to be stopped and them that are supporting these extreme actions with their money need to be imprisoned and all their assets frozen.  

ULDP has a flip on reality, they will call Trump and his supporters Nazis but in reality they are the true fascist. In the past fascism was looked at as a right-wing ideology, but now the Ultra-Left (UL) as adopted fascism. The UL will accuse someone as being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islam - a - phobic and many other names… The battle that the UL is waging resembles what was done in third world countries to take control, but will this work in America? I would say, not if the patriots have anything to say about it. Americans, we are under attack by these extreme groups and are being influenced by outside and inside America radical supporters money, and it is time we start shutting them down before they get way out of control to a point that America is turned into a third world country with death squads hunting patriots down with hangings in the streets.

Other Articles:

When Did the Democratic Party Become Socialist?

Have Democrats Pulled Too Far Left?

Why America Is Moving Left?

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