Monday, October 31, 2016

Breaking Analysis: Director Comey, The big corrupt Diversion!!!

Left Democrat: Operation reverse psychology warfare scheme to make Hillary into a victim so her followers will stand up for her and give their vote rather than stay home.

What people should focus on is the billions of donations from foreign countries to the Clintons, this is where the issue is. When you have foreign countries donations going to a candidate, believe me, this money is for their own interest not the American people.  

There are many other issues that are found in Wikileaks so don’t be distracted from the real corrupt issues pinned to the Clintons, including election fraud. If there is an indictment against Hillary, and there should be providing all the evidence, there wouldn’t be an indictment against her until after the election. I have been told that if she is indicted, and she becomes President, she can remove the charges and stay in office, also they can't impeach her for anything she done before the election, a President can only be impeached for what they done in office, so a lot of damage can be done before she could be impeached. If she gets in office, America is done!!! 

The cost of healthcare jumping 25%, jobs going overseas and H1Bs flooding into America to take jobs from Americans are other big issues people need to look at..

The biggest issue people of faith and followers of Christ fail to recognize:

Hillary Clinton is an AntiChrist: See full article:

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