Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Hypocrisy Within The GOP Political Leadership

     I am finding that the GOP leadership like Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, John Mccain and other hypocritical political fools are willing to have a corrupt leader like Hillary Clinton take the White House and destroy America. The American people have spoken, so if these hypocritical political fools are going to turn their backs on Donald Trump and allow the corrupt candidate Hillary Clinton to take the White House, the American people will remember and they will come after you, seeing that you were in collaboration with the destruction of America!

The Corrupt Politician                                            The Hypocritical Political Fools

     If you see what happen in the old days to people like Karel Curda, As a warning to backstabbing politicians, the American people will do the same so make sure you look over your back each day because you never know when you're backstabbing hypocrisy catches up to you as a corrupt leadership collaborator, the American people know who you are  …

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