Sunday, October 23, 2016

Breaking Analysis Report: Clinton Foundation Pay Gap Between Men and Women Shows The Truth About Hillary’s Equal Pay!!

A cover memo from Lindsey explaining his recommendations was addressed to former President Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea and the foundation’s third member of its board of directors, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe.

Nowhere in the memo is any mention of concern about closing the pay gap between men and women working for the Clinton Foundation. Lindsey’s focus in the memo was on “measuring our competitiveness with the marketplace.”

These revelations follow the Daily Caller News Foundation’s April 12, 2016, investigation that found an even larger pay gap between men and women working at the highest levels of the Clinton Foundation.

“Male executives at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation earn 38 percent more than women executives,” TheDCNF reported.

“The foundation’s 2013 IRS form 990 reveals that nearly three times as many men as women occupy the executive suites at the Little Rock, Arkansas-based foundation.

“On average, top male executives at the foundation earn $109,000 more than the top female executives with positions in the C-suite.

“The numbers were in stark contrast to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign-oriented ‘Equal Pay Day’ speech, which she delivered in Silicon Valley Tuesday. She charged that equal pay for women was ‘long overdue.'”

See full Article:

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