Monday, November 21, 2016

Analysis Report: The Democratic Party is the canary in the coal mine!

With the corrupt poison infiltrated throughout the Democratic Party, they have become the canary in the coal mine, which means this is the death of the real Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is now the Ultra-Left Democratic Party (ULDP) and is become the most corrupt political party that ever existed within America, not only are they extremely corrupt but they are the pro-socialist party that has tyrannical hit squads that vigorously go after their political opponents, which ULDP now has anti-liberal view with zero tolerance for opposing views.

ULDP used Liberalism as a cover, but that cover has been uncovered and now we see with all their zero tolerance views and violent protest, they have shown their true colors. They have no Democratic views, they are not liberal, but they are Ultra-Left Socialist with extreme views and zero tolerance/bigotry toward other political or social views.

The new ULDP is looking to bankrupt the American economy, with their model being China. They are now blacklisting American patriots that voted for Trump or didn’t support Hillary so it is difficult getting a job or even a temporary project. Now, the ULDP is pushing the political limits even further by sending death threats to electors, Americans, this is getting way out of hand, these extreme actions need to be stopped and them that are supporting these extreme actions with their money need to be imprisoned and all their assets frozen.  

ULDP has a flip on reality, they will call Trump and his supporters Nazis but in reality they are the true fascist. In the past fascism was looked at as a right-wing ideology, but now the Ultra-Left (UL) as adopted fascism. The UL will accuse someone as being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islam - a - phobic and many other names… The battle that the UL is waging resembles what was done in third world countries to take control, but will this work in America? I would say, not if the patriots have anything to say about it. Americans, we are under attack by these extreme groups and are being influenced by outside and inside America radical supporters money, and it is time we start shutting them down before they get way out of control to a point that America is turned into a third world country with death squads hunting patriots down with hangings in the streets.

Other Articles:

When Did the Democratic Party Become Socialist?

Have Democrats Pulled Too Far Left?

Why America Is Moving Left?

Friday, November 11, 2016

Analysis Report: List Of Celebrities That Said "They’d LEAVE if Trump won"!!!

List of enemies against the prosperity of America, that stated they would move if Trump won, let's encourage them to move ASAP. People that are looking for a place to live should be able to move into their homes without charge within 48 hours. Tweet them and let them know they have 48 hours to move to what every country or planet they plan to go ...

Al Sharpton

Amy Schumer

Bryan Cranston

Chelsea Handler


George Lopez

Jon Stewart 


Lena Dunham

Miley Cyrus 


Neve Campbell

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Samuel L. Jackson 

Whoopi Goldberg

See Full Article:

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

(AmeroExit or AmeroIt), Congratulation Brothers and Sisters that Support and Believe in Freedom and a Free Market!!!

Final Electoral Numbers: Donald Trump 306, Hillary Clinton 232

Americans have broken the yoke of a corrupt and tyrannical leadership and now has a second chance with freedom and a free market. We have a long road to undue what the corrupt leadership has done to our country but we can reverse the damage to America and Americans, let's get our jobs back from jobs sent overseas and H1B workers taking American Information Technology and business positions. Millions of Americans have built their education and experience only to be pushed out of the workforce by the flood of H1B workers and jobs sent overseas ... This is America's AmeroExit or AmeroIt of the corrupt global tyrannical grasp ... 

Drain That Swamp!!! 

Let’s not blow it, this time … America has one more chance at getting it right .. 

Let Freedom Ring, Let Freedom Ring

God bless

WOOOoooooo Freedom is so Sweet ..... I have tears, but these are tears of joy, so everything is OK … 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Breaking Poll Report: Latest Presidential National Poll Numbers with Updated State's Poll results 11/07/2016

National Survey Polls

Get Out and Vote to Remove Corrupt Leadership and Make America Great Again!!! Drain That Swamp of Corruption!!! These are the Last Survey Poll Results... 

States Surveys Mr. Donald Trump Leads, with the flip of Pennsylvania and Michigan to Trump's advantage, Trump has jumped ahead to 19% leading state survey polls.   

States Survey Tied

Corrupt Hillary Clinton Survey Leading Polls


2016 Presidential Election Results: President Live Map by State, Real-Time Voting Updates 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Analysis Report: Donald Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments

Hillary vs. Donald


Donald Trump’s accomplishments:

  • Real estate developer Donald John Trump was born June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York. In 1971 he became involved in large profitable building projects in Manhattan. He opened the Grand Hyatt in 1980, which made him the city's best known developer.
  • Trump's parents sent him to the New York Military Academy when he was 13. His father, Fred Trump, hoped "the school would channel his energy in a positive manner,". Trump graduated in 1964 and went on to study at the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Received a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. In 1971 he was given control of his father Fred Trump's real estate and construction firm and later renamed it The Trump Organization, rising to public prominence shortly thereafter. 
  • His biggest accomplishment, Trump Tower, had luxurious hotels as well as shops and stores inside of it. He’s also brought up casinos as well as resorts. His name is in the name of most of the casinos and hotels he’s turned into metaphorical gold mines. Donald Trump also owned the Trump Taj Mahal hotel that opened in 1990; that was the largest hotel in the world.
  • In 2011, Donald Trump became a guest for news agencies speaking in regard to tax reform topics involving international trade. Trump's remarks at later dates included frustrations with tax loopholes utilized by wealthy Americans purchasing aircrafts from countries including Brazil, which caused losses in revenue and jobs locally. 


Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments:

  • Born October 26, 1947, in Chicago and raised in the suburban town of Park Ridge, Illinois, Clinton attended Wellesley College, graduating in 1969, and earned a J.D. from Yale Law School in 1973. After serving as a congressional legal counsel, she moved to Arkansas and married Bill Clinton in 1975. 
  • She became the first woman partner at Rose Law Firm the following year and was successful in having charges dropped against a child rapist. 
  • Improved the pedophilia ring. 
  • Illegally sold weapon grad uranium to Russia.
  • Sold Weapons to ISIS, was successful in covering this up, if WIKILEAKS didn’t uncover it .. 
  • Stolen antique furnishing from the white House, but was caught, so successfully returned them
  • Successfully blamed video on Benghazi attack. 
  • Used Unsecure server and successfully shared top secret emails with enemies of the U.S Government.
  • Was dead broke when she left the white House, but stolen millions from Haiti donations and became a millionaire overnight. 
  • Was successful in stealing $6 billion from the state department, for secret projects.
  • Called American black children “Super Predators”, but successfully got away with it.
  • Was successful in brainwashing Democrat sheep people in believing Trump is Racist, because great lies make great leaders. 
  • Was successful in receiving billions through the Clinton foundation from countries that kill woman and gay people, because evil money is money ..
  • Hillary is so great at lying that she believes her own lies..
  • She has so many more corrupt accomplishments that this could go on forever, but we will stop here because this should prove she is the corrupt leader Democrat sheep people would really like in office … 

Your Choice: Vote in a corrupt leader vs. Make America Great Again 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Breaking Analysis Report: Latest Presidential National Poll Numbers with Updated State's Poll results 11/05/2016

Get Out and Vote to Remove Corrupt Leadership and Make America Great Again!!! Drain The Swamp!!!

National Survey Polls

States Survey Tied

States Survey Mr. Donald Trump Leads

Hillary Clinton Survey Leading Polls

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Breaking Report: Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee Call Hillary’s Actions Treasonable!!!

McCaul accused the Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton of treason.

“Now we find out, and James Comey told me previously that it is very likely foreign adversary nations got into her private server. This is why you have security protocols to protect classified information.

She exposed it to our enemies and now, Steve, our adversaries have this very sensitive information that not only jeopardizes her and national security at home, but the men and women serving overseas.

This is, in my opinion quite frankly, it’s treason.”

Breaking Report: Trump Has An 86% Chance Of Winning The Election!!!

            by Tyler Durden

Theres the old saying that “people vote their pocketbooks” is more accurate than the average political analyst thinks. While Wall Street typically worries about how politics might affect the market, presidential candidates are far more concerned about how the stock market might affect their political outcomes.

See full article:

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Breaking Analysis Report: Latest Presidential National Poll Numbers with Updated State's Poll results 11/03/2016

With the flip of to Democrat States to Trump (Virginia and New Hampshire), this jumps Trump ahead of HC by 10% Nationally. So there are large cracks in the Dam and the Dam is breaking ... 

Mr. Donald Trump's Leading States

Hillary Clinton's Leading States

Monday, October 31, 2016

Breaking Analysis: Director Comey, The big corrupt Diversion!!!

Left Democrat: Operation reverse psychology warfare scheme to make Hillary into a victim so her followers will stand up for her and give their vote rather than stay home.

What people should focus on is the billions of donations from foreign countries to the Clintons, this is where the issue is. When you have foreign countries donations going to a candidate, believe me, this money is for their own interest not the American people.  

There are many other issues that are found in Wikileaks so don’t be distracted from the real corrupt issues pinned to the Clintons, including election fraud. If there is an indictment against Hillary, and there should be providing all the evidence, there wouldn’t be an indictment against her until after the election. I have been told that if she is indicted, and she becomes President, she can remove the charges and stay in office, also they can't impeach her for anything she done before the election, a President can only be impeached for what they done in office, so a lot of damage can be done before she could be impeached. If she gets in office, America is done!!! 

The cost of healthcare jumping 25%, jobs going overseas and H1Bs flooding into America to take jobs from Americans are other big issues people need to look at..

The biggest issue people of faith and followers of Christ fail to recognize:

Hillary Clinton is an AntiChrist: See full article:

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Analysis Report: Proof of voter fraud and election rigging!!

Donald Trump needs to call on the U.S Military to cover all voting polls seeing that there is mass fraudulent voting machines and fake ballots being submitted in many states!!  

Mr. Donald Trump has spent a decent amount of time implying or explicitly stating that the election is rigged and that voter fraud exists and threatens the results of the election. He and his allies have encouraged supporters to be on the lookout for in-person voter fraud, with the Republican Party going so far in Pennsylvania as to sue the state to allow poll-watchers to cross county lines so that Trump supporters in Altoona can drive to Dem-friendly Philadelphia and keep an eye on things.

Now, there is more confirmation that Democrats are working with local, partisan board of election bureaucrats to rig machines in the same way. In Maryland, where far-left Gov. Martin O’Malley – a Presidential hopeful – is in charge, it has been confirmed by experts that Democrats are getting a little extra “help” in the midterm elections. 

See Article: 

Breaking Analysis Report: Liberal Michael Moore supports Donald TRUMP!!!

Trumps a Win for America

Friday, October 28, 2016

Breaking Analysis Report: Hillary Clinton's Email Gate Reopens After Damning Evidence Found on Device!

The F.B.I.’s decision to reopen their criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret email server just 11 days before the election shows how serious this discovery must be,” Reince Priebus, the Republican committee chairman, said in a statement. “This stunning development raises serious questions about what records may not have been turned over and why, and whether they show intent to violate the law.”

See full article:


Secretary of State has access to top secret, secret and confidential information. All work related communication is normally at secret level but can have top secret and confidential information within their communication. Communication by email must be encrypted to prevent unauthorized view by unknown entities that are enemies of the United States.

Confidential levels:

Top Secret is the highest level of classification. The unauthorized disclosure of top-secret data will have drastic effects and cause grave damage to national security.

Secret is used for data of a restricted nature. The unauthorized disclosure of data classified as secret will have significant effects and cause critical damage to national security.

Confidential is used for data of a private, sensitive, proprietary, or highly valuable nature. The unauthorized disclosure of data classified as confidential will have noticeable effects and cause serious damage to national security.

See Note: U.S. Code, Title 22, Chapter 58, Subchapter I, § 4802

22 U.S. Code § 4802 - Responsibility of Secretary of State
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Breaking Analysis Report: Trump up by 12 Points in a Democrat District within Minnesota


Minnesota’s 8th District – traditionally Democrat working-class

The eighth Congressional District of Minnesota is a working class area in Eastern Minnesota. It has voted for a Democrat in the last four Presidential elections. It has a Democrat Congressman and will likely be the most expensive Congressional race this year.

See full Article:

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Breaking Analysis Report: Trump receives his first major newspaper endorsement

The Las Vegas Review-Journal became the first major newspaper to endorse Donald Trump for president this election season, stating that, while the candidate has flaws, he'll bring needed disruption and change to Washington.

"Mr. Trump represents neither the danger his critics claim nor the magic elixir many of his supporters crave," the paper said in its endorsement. "But he promises to be a source of disruption and discomfort to the privileged, back-scratching political elites for whom the nation’s strength and solvency have become subservient to power’s pursuit and preservation."

See full Article:

Breaking Analysis Report: Clinton Foundation Pay Gap Between Men and Women Shows The Truth About Hillary’s Equal Pay!!

A cover memo from Lindsey explaining his recommendations was addressed to former President Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea and the foundation’s third member of its board of directors, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe.

Nowhere in the memo is any mention of concern about closing the pay gap between men and women working for the Clinton Foundation. Lindsey’s focus in the memo was on “measuring our competitiveness with the marketplace.”

These revelations follow the Daily Caller News Foundation’s April 12, 2016, investigation that found an even larger pay gap between men and women working at the highest levels of the Clinton Foundation.

“Male executives at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation earn 38 percent more than women executives,” TheDCNF reported.

“The foundation’s 2013 IRS form 990 reveals that nearly three times as many men as women occupy the executive suites at the Little Rock, Arkansas-based foundation.

“On average, top male executives at the foundation earn $109,000 more than the top female executives with positions in the C-suite.

“The numbers were in stark contrast to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign-oriented ‘Equal Pay Day’ speech, which she delivered in Silicon Valley Tuesday. She charged that equal pay for women was ‘long overdue.'”

See full Article:

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Breaking Report: Presidential Twitter Polls number taken from 28 Polls 10/20/2016

These poll numbers show the truth about who is really ahead in the 2016 Presidential race

Total Poll Percentage Averages From Twitter Polls 

Total Twitter Poll Numbers For Each Candidate, 

Also, Out of Total Votes = 236737

Twitter Poll list with numbers 

Breaking Report: Arizona Republic Poll proven false!!

You cannot trust the polls at this point folks. Most of them are media sponsored and are “agenda polls” with the goal of demoralizing Trump Supporters. The criminal Left Democrat Party is working overtime to demoralize the Trump voters …

Don’t believe it, and spread the word!

Rasmussen Reports today show Trump up by 3 points Nationally 10/20/2016

ConservativeTreehouse Reports

Here’s another great example of ridiculously manipulated media polling, courtesy of the state of Arizona, the Arizona Republic and Real Clear Politics.

This latest construct of alternate reality is a great example because it shows how easy it is to dispatch the credibility of often mentioned Real Clear Politics (RCP) “polling averages“.

See full Article:

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Breaking report: Director Comey is called a dirty cop by agency workers!!

Former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova blasted FBI Director James Comey’s decision not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton in light of a new report indicating the rank and file at the nation’s top law enforcement agency wanted to pursue prosecution.

Director Comey is a dirty cop and If there’s one thing a prosecutor hates worse than a criminal, it’s a dirty cop … He threw this case. He did it for political reasons. He lied publicly about the quality of the case. He lied publicly about the law. He lied publicly about the ability to get documents when he could have used the grand jury and he didn’t.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Breaking Polls Analysis Report: Latest Presidential Real National Poll Numbers, with Updated State's Poll results 10/17/2016

Rising state poll numbers for Trump and Hillary poll numbers have stalled or dropped, National Poll numbers haven't changed, but could change in Trump's favor very soon. 

Mr. Donald Trump Leading State Polls

Hillary Clinton Leading Polls

Note: Because of the corrupt bias Leftist poll numbers, this is the most accurate I can get the poll results. If there wasn't leftist poll skewing, Trump would be leading by 10% or more. Something needs to be done when Trump gets in office so there are ways to get more accurate poll numbers!